PTTEP Services Limited
Key Accountabilities
- Provide payment services for Company.
- Verify all account documents (invoices, prepaid, debit notes, receipt etc.) and ensure the conformity of them with material, service order and contracts.
- Ensure full compliance with Thailand tax laws regarding withholding tax and VAT
- Verify and ensure the correctness of evidence/supporting document of all invoices/reimbursement in accordance with Company regulation, DAS, accounting standard, policy and procedure.
- Identify type of accounting expense and assign GL account, cost objects in PR/PO, RFP and IPMS workflow according with accounting standard, policy and procedure
- Prepare AP analysis reports and support financial statement preparation and audits
- Follow up with budget holders on outstanding third party invoices approved for payment
- Coordinate with Procurement function to ensure proper flow of procurement process and procedure (e.g. PPF, LOI, PR, PO)
- Monitor/notify User to avoid ânon-compliance procurementâ which impact the accounting operation process
- Conduct and perform period-end account closing, analyze and support monthly/quarterly performance review
- Provide necessary info. and document to support all inquiries from internal, statutory, external and joint auditor
Professional Knowledge & Experiences
- Bachelorâs Degree or higher in Accounting or related fields
- At least 2 yearsâ experience in related functions and experience in E&P or related industry is preferable
- Knowledge of accounts payable, general accounting procedures as well as Tax System
- Possess computer literacy skill, the knowledge of SAP application is an advantage
- Good command of both written and spoken English
Work Location
Bangkok - Resident
- Contracts
- Compliance
- Procurement
- English (Good)
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A PTT Group Company PTTEP is Thailandâs petroleum exploration and Production Company, was established on 20 June 1985 according to the intention of the Cabinet to establish a highly flexible organization to manage the exploration and production of petroleum for maximum benefit of the countryâs econ ... āļāđāļēāļāļāđāļ
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