Property Consultant (Core Bangkok)
āļāļĩāđProperty Scout ThailandRoles & Responsibilities
- Advise tenants/buyers to find their perfect property at the best price and hassle-free, using our advanced in-house technology to find properties matching the tenants/buyersâ needs
- Provide property viewing to clients and facilitate the successful closing of rental/sale agreements between the landlord/property developer and the tenant/buyer
- Build strong relations with buyers, tenants, landlords, property developers, and co-agents
- Continuously self-development to become the top property consultant in the market and overachieve KPIs
- Previous experience in the real estate industry is preferred but not required. Whether youâre a professional or just beginning your journey, a genuine passion for real estate and strong drive are key.
- Fluency in English or Thai, both written and spoken; other languages are a plus.
- Strong communication and negotiation skills are essential.
- High attention to detail, well-organized, with a sense of urgency and a drive to get things done.
- But most importantly, we're looking for individuals who see this opportunity not just as a job, but as a career and a platform for personal and professional development.
Job Highlight & Work Culture
- Established and defined career paths
- International work environment. New generation culture (age range between 20-32 YO)
- Monthly Celebration & Parties. We got lots of food and drinks :D
- Won âBest Place to Workâ award, certified by WorkVenture
Earning potential: commissions earned depend on sales performance of each Property Consultant, ranging from THB 30,000 - 500,000 per month
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āļĢāđāļ§āļĄāļāļēāļāļāļąāļāđāļĢāļē: 6 Reasons Why You Should Join Property Scout
As of 2022, there are more than 20 expatriates working at all levels: Executive, Manager, Director and C-Suite. Working with an international team can give you a huge adva ...
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