Senior Logistics Analyst (Ayutthaya Location)
āļāļĩāđāļāļĢāļīāļĐāļąāļ āļāļĩāļāļĩ āđāļāđāļāļāđāļāļĢāđāļē āļāļģāļāļąāļ (āļĄāļŦāļēāļāļ) - (āđāļĄāđāļāđāļāļĢ)Purpose
- Leading the Analysts Team to provide support, including analytics, trends, insights and opportunities to improve cost and service performance
- Lead the KPI Reporting Team to develop and implement KPI tracking tools, showing trends and insights, that will track performance in all key result areas on a shift, daily, weekly and monthly basis
Composite Distribution Center (CDC), Wangnoi
Major Accountabilities
- To provide insight, modelling and analysis to Senior Leadership levels to support decision making
- Prepare effective power point presentations to present data, trends and opportunities in a clear and logical manner to influence management teams
- Active participation in identification and deployment of best practices including improvements to reporting processes, tools and systems
- Utilize analytical methodologies to identify opportunities for cost and service improvements, engaging cross-functional teams
- Provide well designed dashboard and scorecard visualizations to bring the data alive including the creation of Power BI solutions
- Collaborate with stakeholders to develop robust improvement plans that deliver service and cost efficiency, incorporating risk analysis to identify appropriate contingencies.
- Lead project ensuring projects are delivered on time and within budget.
- Develop and implement KPI tracking tools, showing trends and insights, that will track performance in all key result areas on a shift, daily, weekly and monthly basis
âĒ Educated to degree level in Supply Chain or Finance or alternative relevant degree, with an understanding of Supply Chain Operations
âĒ Experience of providing support including analytics, trends, insights and opportunities to supply chain teams to improve cost and service performance
Capabilities and Competencies
âĒ Data driven with excellent analytical and problem solution skills
âĒ Excellent communication/interpersonal skills, with ability to clearly articulate ideas and proposals to all levels of the organization
âĒ Ability to organize and manage multiple priorities in a high-pressure organization
âĒ Ability to work with all levels of management with demonstrated ability to develop and motivate and influence others â both up and down the organization
âĒ Self-starter with ability to work on own initiative and drive agenda
âĒ Excellent attention to detail and âright first timeâ approach to work
âĒ Advanced excel skills including macros and Power Point
âĒ Team player / excellent interpersonal skills
âĒ Able to work flexible hours with an open minded and positive attitude
âĒ Enjoy working as part of a committed, flexible team, and taking pride in everything you do
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