
  • Leading the Analysts Team to provide support, including analytics, trends, insights and opportunities to improve cost and service performance
  • Lead the KPI Reporting Team to develop and implement KPI tracking tools, showing trends and insights, that will track performance in all key result areas on a shift, daily, weekly and monthly basis

Composite Distribution Center (CDC), Wangnoi

Major Accountabilities

  • To provide insight, modelling and analysis to Senior Leadership levels to support decision making
  • Prepare effective power point presentations to present data, trends and opportunities in a clear and logical manner to influence management teams
  • Active participation in identification and deployment of best practices including improvements to reporting processes, tools and systems
  • Utilize analytical methodologies to identify opportunities for cost and service improvements, engaging cross-functional teams
  • Provide well designed dashboard and scorecard visualizations to bring the data alive including the creation of Power BI solutions
  • Collaborate with stakeholders to develop robust improvement plans that deliver service and cost efficiency, incorporating risk analysis to identify appropriate contingencies.
  • Lead project ensuring projects are delivered on time and within budget.
  • Develop and implement KPI tracking tools, showing trends and insights, that will track performance in all key result areas on a shift, daily, weekly and monthly basis


â€Ē Educated to degree level in Supply Chain or Finance or alternative relevant degree, with an understanding of Supply Chain Operations
â€Ē Experience of providing support including analytics, trends, insights and opportunities to supply chain teams to improve cost and service performance

Capabilities and Competencies

â€Ē Data driven with excellent analytical and problem solution skills
â€Ē Excellent communication/interpersonal skills, with ability to clearly articulate ideas and proposals to all levels of the organization
â€Ē Ability to organize and manage multiple priorities in a high-pressure organization
â€Ē Ability to work with all levels of management with demonstrated ability to develop and motivate and influence others – both up and down the organization
â€Ē Self-starter with ability to work on own initiative and drive agenda
â€Ē Excellent attention to detail and ‘right first time’ approach to work
â€Ē Advanced excel skills including macros and Power Point
â€Ē Team player / excellent interpersonal skills
â€Ē Able to work flexible hours with an open minded and positive attitude

â€Ē Enjoy working as part of a committed, flexible team, and taking pride in everything you do

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āļˆāļģāļ™āļ§āļ™āļžāļ™āļąāļāļ‡āļēāļ™:5000-10000 āļ„āļ™
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āļŠāļģāļ™āļąāļāļ‡āļēāļ™āđƒāļŦāļāđˆ: CP Axtra
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