Your challenge
A Product Owner has a deep understanding of the Retail industry and its ecosystem and builds close relationships with key stakeholders to ensure that the teamâs effort is aligned with the overall strategy. A Product Owner manages dependencies with other teamâs functions while identifying, building, and managing strategic partnerships across the different teams. They work closely within their team to ensure business value and user feedback are translated into new developments when necessary. Product owners will be accountable for specific business KPIs based on the area of the product they are focused on.
- End to end team output strategy from inception to production
- Collaboration with stakeholders to ensure the digital vision and products align within team strategy and requirements
- Accountable for product-specific KPIs once solution enters production and communicate regular tracking to stakeholders
- Utilize market and industry knowledge to translate user needs into user stories and acceptance criteria for their team. Maintain a backlog 3 to 4 sprints ahead of the team
- Works closely with CPO to establish each productâs business value and support messaging, communication, and customer outreach as necessary
- Facilitates release planning with stakeholders as well as weekly demos
- Integrates usability studies and research into product requirements to enhance user satisfaction and ensure customer driven design
- Align outward facing product requirements and stakeholders
- You have ability to develop methods and promote work standards among other employees of the company
- You have proven skills in managing staff, coaching, resolving conflicts
- You have strong communication skills to teach and convey messages in a professional form
- You have the ability to create an atmosphere of trust and comfortable/ efficient work environment
- You believe in a non-hierarchical culture of interaction, openness to new ideas and continuous improvement
- You have proven knowledge of standard concepts, practices, and procedures within the retail industry
- You have experience working in the development of with B2C digital products
- You are a strong collaborator with cross-functional teams from tech, design, and business
- You have experiences with managing data ingestion, storage, and processing, and collaborate with data professionals to design and implement advance analytics capabilities
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