- Works a small, high caliber team in developing investor communication strategy to ensure well-informed decisions by institutional and retail investment communities
- Works collaboratively with other departments within the organization and its subsidiaries, including finance, accounting, legal and company secretary in the production of investor publications and announcement
- Prepares corporate information in compliance with SET / SEC requirements and arrange quarterly analyst meetings, SET opportunity day, Roadshows and Conferences to communicate earnings and strategy to investors, analysts, and fund managers
- Performs analysis together with relevant teams of groupâs performance and industry competitive landscape for both internal decision making and external communication
- Producing MD&A/ Financial Resultsâ and Corporate Presentation Deck
- Organizing conferences, road shows, earning conference calls, and investor/analystsâ meetings
- Participating in the development and production of the Form 56-1 One Report to shareholders
- Helping to perform a range of analyses that will include industrial, competitive analysis and comparative valuation,
- Providing timely communications to all inquiries regarding the Company and its subsidiaries to the public
- Coordinating with various relevant departments and its subsidiaries in the production of investor publications and announcement
- Monitoring and Maintain filing on IR publications, disclosure and analyst reports
- Conducting store visits with investors, and organizing events with related department
- Conducting meetings with investors, either in person or via telephone to address any of their relevant questions or concerns
- Producing monthly IR report and quarterly management report on IR activities and market news on competition/ Retail/ Fx, Interest rate(macro and micro)
- Providing feedback to management regarding the investment community and perception of the company and its subsidiaries
- Maintaining and updating the relevant database of trading multiples, consensus estimates & stock price performance
- Managing the investor relations portion of the company website
- Developing and maintain investors database to keep track of meeting records and key notes/feedbacks
- Administrative work is required ie. Update and maintain investor and analyst data base, processing of; invoice, payment, travel, logistics etc. Planning of meetings and event organizing
- Strong analytical, presentation and interpersonal skills.
- Proactive, self-motivated and team player.
- Proficient in oral and written English.
- Be able to work under time pressure & require strong problem solving skill to cope with unpredictably inquiries by analyst/investors.
- Excel, data extraction and very good numeral analytical skills
- Ability to product excellent power point presentation skills
- Articulate, excellent power point presenter
- Familiar with Balance sheet and P&L
- Familiar with listed regulatory requirements would be a plus
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