- Adjust language models that have already been trained for generative AI applications Ensure that the LLMs and pipelines based on LLMs are tuned and released
- Create and implement LLMs for various content creation jobs Develop and communicate roadmaps for data science projects
- Design effective agile workflows and manage a cycle of deliverables that meet timeline and resource constraints
- Serve as a bridge between stakeholders and AI suppliers to facilitate seamless communication and understanding of project requirements.
- Work closely with external AI suppliers to ensure alignment between project goals and technological capabilities.
- Identify and gather data sets necessary for AI projects
- Prior experience in Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and AI algorithm to solve respective business cases and pain points.
- Prior hands-on experience in data-mining techniques to better understand each pain point and provide insights
- Able to design and conduct analysis to support product & channel improvement and development
- Present key findings and recommendations to business counter parties and senior management on project approach and strategic planning
- Bachelor degree or higher in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Management Information System or an IT related field.
- Native Thai speaker & fluent in English
- 3+ years of proven experience as a Data Scientist with a focus on project management (Retail or E-Commerce business is preferable).
- At least 2+ years of relevant experience as an LLM Data Scientist Experience in SQL and Python (Pandas, Numpy, SparkSQL)
- Ability to manipulate and analyze complex, high-volume, high-dimensionality data from varying sources
- Experience in Big Data Technologies like Hadoop, Apache Spark, Databrick
- Experience in machine learning and deep learning (Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit-learn)
- Good Knowledge of Statistics
- Experience in Data Visualization (Tableau, PowerBI) is a plus
- Excellent communication skills with the ability to convey complex findings to non-technical stakeholders
- Having good attitude toward team working and willing to work hard.
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