Network Engineering
āļāļĩāđAmaris Consulting - BangkokWho are we?
Amaris Consulting is an independent technology consulting firm providing guidance and solutions to businesses. With more than 1,000 clients across the globe, we have been rolling out solutions in major projects for over a decade â this is made possible by an international team of 7,600 people spread across 5 continents and more than 60 countries. Our solutions focus on four different Business Lines: Information System & Digital, Telecom, Life Sciences and Engineering. Weâre focused on building and nurturing a top talent community where all our team members can achieve their full potential. Amaris is your steppingstone to cross rivers of change, meet challenges and achieve all your projects with success.At Amaris, we strive to provide our candidates with the best possible recruitment experience. We like to get to know our candidates, challenge them, and be able to give them proper feedback as quickly as possible. Here's what our recruitment process looks like:
Brief Call: Our process typically begins with a brief virtual/phone conversation to get to know you! The objective? Learn about you, understand your motivations, and make sure we have the right job for you!
Interviews (the average number of interviews is 3 - the number may vary depending on the level of seniority required for the position). During the interviews, you will meet people from our team: your line manager of course, but also other people related to your future role. We will talk in depth about you, your experience, and skills, but also about the position and what will be expected of you. Of course, you will also get to know Amaris: our culture, our roots, our teams, and your career opportunities!
Case study: Depending on the position, we may ask you to take a test. This could be a role play, a technical assessment, a problem-solving scenario, etc.
As you know, every person is different and so is every role in a company. That is why we have to adapt accordingly, and the process may differ slightly at times. However, please know that we always put ourselves in the candidate's shoes to ensure they have the best possible experience.
We look forward to meeting you!
Job description
Mission Description:
- Design, implement, and manage network infrastructure to ensure optimal performance and reliability.
- Collaborate with stakeholders to identify network requirements and develop solutions that meet business needs.
- Configure and maintain network hardware, including routers, switches, firewalls, and wireless access points.
- Monitor network performance and troubleshoot issues to minimize downtime and ensure seamless connectivity.
- Implement and manage VPN solutions to support secure remote access for staff members across multiple locations 1 .
- Ensure compliance with network security policies and procedures, including firewall rules and web filtering 2 .
- Conduct regular network assessments and provide recommendations for improvements and upgrades.
- Document network configurations, changes, and procedures to maintain an accurate and up-to-date knowledge base.
- Provide technical support and guidance to IT teams and end-users regarding network-related issues.
- Participate in IT projects and initiatives, providing network expertise and support as needed.
- Manage relationships with internet service providers and hardware suppliers, ensuring timely procurement and installation of network components 3 .
- Stay updated with the latest network technologies and best practices to continuously enhance network infrastructure.
Profile Requirement:
- Have more than 5 years of experience in network engineering or related roles.
- Strong knowledge of network infrastructure, including routers, switches, firewalls, and wireless access points.
- Proficient in configuring and managing VPN solutions for secure remote access .
- Experience with network monitoring tools and troubleshooting techniques.
- Familiar with network security policies and procedures, including firewall rules and web filtering 2 .
- Excellent communication and stakeholder management skills.
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with attention to detail.
- Proficient in documenting network configurations and procedures.
- Proficient in English.
- Certification in network engineering or related fields (e.g., CCNA, CCNP) is a plus.
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Amaris is an international Technologies and Management Consulting Group with more than 60 locations around the world. Our business consists in supporting our clients in carrying out their projects. We act within their organisation to help them improve effectiveness and enhance performance. Our kn ...
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