Intercompany (ICO) Outbound Seller
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Job Summary
- Working directly with 3M international subsidiaries, the Source of Supply Chain and ICO GSC (Global Service Center) to ensure intercompany activity supplied from the source region is exported according to international requirements while meeting business and service expectations.
- Manages intercompany orders utilizing Corporate ERP (SAP) and/or Legacy Systems COMS (Corporate Order Management System), IOMS (International Order Management System), Salesforce, BPCS, Lotus Notes databases and etc. where applicable.
- Work directly with source of supply locations, BG/division supply chain, functional work streams and/or 3PL freight forwarders to ensure the timely export of international orders.
- Understands and supports the export rules and regulations to comply with source country and international Export Regulatory policies and procedures for international shipments.
- Manage inquires/communication from/to 3M international subsidiaries regarding product availability, order status, expedites, etc. Follow up on escalations, delays and transportation issues.
- Ensure timely completion of Customer Feedback Resolution complaints for assigned countries.
- Identify opportunities and implement solution to improve customer satisfaction and/or processes.
- Actively participates in relevant corporate programs/initiatives, complies with professional and corporate policies and procedures such as Compliance, Global Financial Standard, and acts in a manner consistent with 3Mâs values and ethical standards.
- Provide back-up support to other Intercompany team members as required.
- Support Intercompany, Plant & Country ERP deployments as required.
- Review and maintain documentations, SOPs and job aids as required.
- Good time management in daily operations
- Basic understanding of ICO model
- Bachelor's degree
- Minimum 1+ year of experience in Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Finance, and/or Transportation
- Good command of English communications, computer skills - excel
- SAP experience preferred
- Self-motivated, fast learner willing-to-learn
- Must have serviced mind, quality oriented and continuous improvement mindset
- Work closely with cross-functional teams - local and overseas
- Resourceful, can work well with ambiguity
- Good team player
- Salesforce
- English (Good)
- 1 āļāļĩ
- Compliance
- Finance
- Excel
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