Product Manager, Global Sourcing Organization Brenntag Specialties
āļāļĩāđāđāļāļĢāļāļāđāđāļāđāļ āļāļīāļāļāļĢāļĩāđāļāļĩāļĒāļāļŠāđ (āļāļĢāļ°āđāļāļĻāđāļāļĒ) āļāļģāļāļąāļ (āļĄāļŦāļēāļāļ)YOUR ROLE & RESPONSIBILITIES
1. Develop and maintain multi-level strategic relationships between Brenntag and suppliers of assigned products. This includes on-going interactive communication in the form of phone calls, supplier site visits, trade shows and other meetings as needed to achieve and maintain the desired relationship. 2. Collaborate with internal customers especially product managers / industry managers to develop profitable supply programs that support current and long-term business objectives. 3. Identify, assess and recommend new products and suppliers to support and enhance Brenntag competitive position. 4. Effectively coordinate commercial activities related to assigned products and suppliers. This includes, but is not limited to, leading/supporting negotiation of frame contract, exclusive agreement, product price, credit terms, logistics and other relevant conditions of purchase. 5. Develop, document and effectively communicate detailed market intelligence related to local, regional and global availability, cost price and demand for assigned products. 6. Develop and maintain marketing tools such as Supplier and Product Bulletins to help promote products and suppliers to Brenntag Business Units. 7. Own and develop opportunity (project) pipeline to profitably grow assigned products. 8. Support Brenntag global initiatives (TFS, etc), values and business standards. 9. Support Brenntag and GSO compliance programs and initiatives. 10. Special projects and other additional responsibilities and duties as assigned by management.Develop and maintain multi-level strategic relationships between Brenntag and suppliers of assigned products. This includes on-going interactive communication in the form of phone calls, supplier site visits, trade shows and other meetings as needed to achieve and maintain the desired relationship.Collaborate with internal customers especially product managers / industry managers to develop profitable supply programs that support current and long-term business objectives.Identify, assess and recommend new products and suppliers to support and enhance Brenntag competitive position.Effectively coordinate commercial activities related to assigned products and suppliers. This includes, but is not limited to, leading/supporting negotiation of frame contract, exclusive agreement, product price, credit terms, logistics and other relevant conditions of purchase.Develop, document and effectively communicate detailed market intelligence related to local, regional and global availability, cost price and demand for assigned products.Develop and maintain marketing tools such as Supplier and Product Bulletins to help promote products and suppliers to Brenntag Business Units.Own and develop opportunity (project) pipeline to profitably grow assigned products. Support Brenntag global initiatives (TFS, etc), values and business standards.Support Brenntag and GSO compliance programs and initiatives.Special projects and other additional responsibilities and duties as assigned by management.Develop and maintain multi-level strategic relationships between Brenntag and suppliers of assigned products. This includes on-going interactive communication in the form of phone calls, supplier site visits, trade shows and other meetings as needed to achieve and maintain the desired relationship.Collaborate with internal customers especially product managers / industry managers to develop profitable supply programs that support current and long-term business objectives.Identify, assess and recommend new products and suppliers to support and enhance Brenntag competitive position.Effectively coordinate commercial activities related to assigned products and suppliers. This includes, but is not limited to, leading/supporting negotiation of frame contract, exclusive agreement, product price, credit terms, logistics and other relevant conditions of purchase.Develop, document and effectively communicate detailed market intelligence related to local, regional and global availability, cost price and demand for assigned products.Develop and maintain marketing tools such as Supplier and Product Bulletins to help promote products and suppliers to Brenntag Business Units.Own and develop opportunity (project) pipeline to profitably grow assigned products. Support Brenntag global initiatives (TFS, etc), values and business standards.Support Brenntag and GSO compliance programs and initiatives.Special projects and other additional responsibilities and duties as assigned by management.
Education : Bachelor's degree (B. A.) from four-year College or university is required. Master Degree in Chemistry or Business administration is a plus Experience : Minimum 8 years' experience in sourcing / procurement in Nutrition, Food ingredients industry and familiar with this industry globally. Requirement : · Deep understanding of procurement best practices, market dynamics, and supply chain management principles. · Strong negotiation skills, with a track record of achieving cost savings and value creation through supplier relationships. · Strategic thinker with the ability to translate business objectives into actionable procurement strategies. · Analytical mindset, with proficiency in data analysis, financial modeling, and performance metrics. · Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to influence stakeholders at all levels of the organization. Others : · Fluent in English (verbal and written) · Ability to speak Mandarin is a strong plus · Able to travel (domestic & international) as required to meet business needs · Strong Excel, Word and PowerPoint skills
We look forward receiving your application.
1. Develop and maintain multi-level strategic relationships between Brenntag and suppliers of assigned products. This includes on-going interactive communication in the form of phone calls, supplier site visits, trade shows and other meetings as needed to achieve and maintain the desired relationship. 2. Collaborate with internal customers especially product managers / industry managers to develop profitable supply programs that support current and long-term business objectives. 3. Identify, assess and recommend new products and suppliers to support and enhance Brenntag competitive position. 4. Effectively coordinate commercial activities related to assigned products and suppliers. This includes, but is not limited to, leading/supporting negotiation of frame contract, exclusive agreement, product price, credit terms, logistics and other relevant conditions of purchase. 5. Develop, document and effectively communicate detailed market intelligence related to local, regional and global availability, cost price and demand for assigned products. 6. Develop and maintain marketing tools such as Supplier and Product Bulletins to help promote products and suppliers to Brenntag Business Units. 7. Own and develop opportunity (project) pipeline to profitably grow assigned products. 8. Support Brenntag global initiatives (TFS, etc), values and business standards. 9. Support Brenntag and GSO compliance programs and initiatives. 10. Special projects and other additional responsibilities and duties as assigned by management.Develop and maintain multi-level strategic relationships between Brenntag and suppliers of assigned products. This includes on-going interactive communication in the form of phone calls, supplier site visits, trade shows and other meetings as needed to achieve and maintain the desired relationship.Collaborate with internal customers especially product managers / industry managers to develop profitable supply programs that support current and long-term business objectives.Identify, assess and recommend new products and suppliers to support and enhance Brenntag competitive position.Effectively coordinate commercial activities related to assigned products and suppliers. This includes, but is not limited to, leading/supporting negotiation of frame contract, exclusive agreement, product price, credit terms, logistics and other relevant conditions of purchase.Develop, document and effectively communicate detailed market intelligence related to local, regional and global availability, cost price and demand for assigned products.Develop and maintain marketing tools such as Supplier and Product Bulletins to help promote products and suppliers to Brenntag Business Units.Own and develop opportunity (project) pipeline to profitably grow assigned products. Support Brenntag global initiatives (TFS, etc), values and business standards.Support Brenntag and GSO compliance programs and initiatives.Special projects and other additional responsibilities and duties as assigned by management.Develop and maintain multi-level strategic relationships between Brenntag and suppliers of assigned products. This includes on-going interactive communication in the form of phone calls, supplier site visits, trade shows and other meetings as needed to achieve and maintain the desired relationship.Collaborate with internal customers especially product managers / industry managers to develop profitable supply programs that support current and long-term business objectives.Identify, assess and recommend new products and suppliers to support and enhance Brenntag competitive position.Effectively coordinate commercial activities related to assigned products and suppliers. This includes, but is not limited to, leading/supporting negotiation of frame contract, exclusive agreement, product price, credit terms, logistics and other relevant conditions of purchase.Develop, document and effectively communicate detailed market intelligence related to local, regional and global availability, cost price and demand for assigned products.Develop and maintain marketing tools such as Supplier and Product Bulletins to help promote products and suppliers to Brenntag Business Units.Own and develop opportunity (project) pipeline to profitably grow assigned products. Support Brenntag global initiatives (TFS, etc), values and business standards.Support Brenntag and GSO compliance programs and initiatives.Special projects and other additional responsibilities and duties as assigned by management.
Education : Bachelor's degree (B. A.) from four-year College or university is required. Master Degree in Chemistry or Business administration is a plus Experience : Minimum 8 years' experience in sourcing / procurement in Nutrition, Food ingredients industry and familiar with this industry globally. Requirement : · Deep understanding of procurement best practices, market dynamics, and supply chain management principles. · Strong negotiation skills, with a track record of achieving cost savings and value creation through supplier relationships. · Strategic thinker with the ability to translate business objectives into actionable procurement strategies. · Analytical mindset, with proficiency in data analysis, financial modeling, and performance metrics. · Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to influence stakeholders at all levels of the organization. Others : · Fluent in English (verbal and written) · Ability to speak Mandarin is a strong plus · Able to travel (domestic & international) as required to meet business needs · Strong Excel, Word and PowerPoint skills
We look forward receiving your application.
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Brenntag Ingredients (Thailand) Public Company Limited ([www.brenntag-asia.com][1]) In October 2008, Brenntag acquired Rhodia's chemical distribution operations in Southeast Asia and extended its global distribution network into the Asia Pacific Region. Brenntag gained in Asia access to an estab ... āļāđāļēāļāļāđāļ
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