Account Manager, Customer Business Development
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Job Description
Procter & Gamble is the largest consumer goods company in the world. You will be allowed to do meaningful work with essential responsibilities from Day 1, build and develop your expertise in one of the world's best organizations, and benefit from tools and resources that help you enable our people and organizations to perform at their peak. You will join a global community of hardworking and motivated co-workers who are among the world's best at what they do. You will get to connect our people to P&G's Purpose, so they can touch and improve more lives and deliver more robust, more effective business results.
Overview of the job
Do you want to be in the driving seat, selling our leading global brands?
Are you intrigued by the idea of building long-term business relationships with our customers?
To develop and negotiate plans which craft a benefit for our shoppers, our customers, and our company?
As an Account Manager at P&G, you directly receive meaningful responsibilities as of day one. You are in charge of maintaining and fast-growing a long-term partnership with our customers by continuously proposing solutions and plans that meet their objectives. To do so, you'll develop a keen understanding of product categories and markets. While building the projects, you will develop not only your negotiating and sales skills but also your financial & marketing skills, analytical insights, and logistical understanding as you are responsible for your client from A-Z.
Your team
You will report to the Business Development Director and need to work closely with the Sales team and multidisciplinary functions.
How success looks like
Your success would be based on operational and project work you're doing, which would be reviewed quarterly. Your manager would provide full-support through continuous mentoring and coaching.
Our assignments offer you the chance to create an immediate impact on the business while you continue to build your analytical, technical, and leadership skills. You will work as the Business Development leader on a team with representatives from various other functions. You will play a role in setting strategy, decision-making, business planning, and analysis across all business aspects.
- Developing and maintaining a productive long term relationship with your customer
- Acquire a deep understanding of customer needs and requirements
- Acquire an in-depth understanding of shoppers, categories, and market
- Adapting and optimizing country commercial guidelines to your specific client
- Negotiating contracts, promo plans, and innovations
- Preparing volume forecast and plans
- Collaborating very closely with teams from other departments;
- Resolve any clients' issues and problems and act as a link between your customer and the internal teams.
Job Qualifications
- Bachelor's degree in any fields with an excellent academic background
- Must have proven success from school or work experience of strong leadership Have strong analytical thinking and skills
- Curious individuals can make complex decisions using all the available data but comfortable enough to use their gut feeling and instinct when these are missing.
- Proficient in English and Thai
- Fresh graduate is welcome to apply
- Hold a valid driver's license and Be flexible to relocate as your assignment could require
About us
We produce globally recognized brands, and we grow the best business leaders in the industry. With a portfolio of trusted brands as diverse as ours, it is paramount our leaders are able to lead with courage the vast array of brands, categories, and functions. We serve consumers around the world with one of the strongest portfolios of trusted, quality, leadership brands, including DownyÂŪ, GilletteÂŪ, Head & ShouldersÂŪ, Herbal EssencesÂŪ, Oral-BÂŪ, PampersÂŪ, OlayÂŪ, AlwaysÂŪ, PanteneÂŪ, SafeguardÂŪ, SKIIÂŪ, Ambi PurÂŪ and more. Our community includes operations in approximately 70 countries worldwide.
Visit http://www.pg.com to know more.
We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate against individuals based on race, color, gender, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, citizenship, disability, HIV/AIDS status, or any other legally protected factor.
Job Schedule
Full time
Job Number
Job Segmentation
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