Key Responsibilities:
- Collaborate with business stakeholders to identify technology enablers to grow the business
- Collect and analyze feedback from customers, stakeholders and other teams to shape requirements, features and end products
- Produce and review product requirements documents and work with the UX/UI team to finalize product specification
- Manage and control the completion of projects, overseeing all aspects of solution implementation from start to finish to meet agreed scope, schedule and budget
- Use metrics and data visualization to report progress and support data-driven decision making
- Owns the product launch, conducts user acceptance tests, assists in framing and execution of test cases, and communicates post-launch feedback to business and platform product stakeholders
- Provide the idea to improve products to meet customer needs (the idea must be based on the data driven)
- Work closely with QA team to create the test cases and perform the UAT to make sure the highest quality of products
- Analyze product usage and customer feedback to improve the product
- Perform the product discovery process or job to be done to identify what customer really needs.
- Create product road map and plan.
- Provide data in all aspect to upper management for a decision making
- Bachelor's degree in Information Technology, Computer Science or related fields
- At Least 5 years of experience as a Developer, Software Engineer, Project Manager, Product Owner or System Analyst Positions
- Self-motivated, eagerness to learn and embrace new challenge
- Strong leadership and people management skill
Location: BTS Ekkamai
Working Day: Mon-Fri
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