Human Capital Business Partner Manager (Digital and Technology)
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- Planning HC management and efficiently working as a strategic partner with Line Manager and Management Team under HC Division and company policy
- Understanding and ensuring for consultancy under policy, regulation and HC Process with Management Team and employee
- Taking care and responsible for employee in Business Unit in accordance with regulation for welfare and compensation, workforce regulation, working environment, etc.
- Analyzing and gathering all HC Data and prepare for presentation to Management Team and HC Division
- Working and cooperating with Business Unit for manpower planning, organization chart and update/rectify Job Role for recruitment process
- Supervising PMS i.e. goal setting, evaluation process, yearly promotion, salary adjustment and bonus under HC Division and company policy
- Supporting HC Development Plan for career path/planning, employee development, succession planning and talent management for Business Unit
- Other job assignment related with work assignment or business
Qualifications :
- Bachelorâs or Masterâs Degree in Human Resources, Industrial & Organizational Psychology or related field
- At least 10 yearsâ experience in HRM, HRD and Labor Laws & Regulations
- Experience in dealing with Senior Management
- Strong leadership, interpersonal, and collaboration skills
Contact Information:
Office of Human Capital
ThaiBev Quarter Building 62 Ratchadapisek Road, Kwaeng Klongtoey,
Khet Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
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