Audio Producer (Bangkok, Thailand)
āļāļĩāđāđāļāļāđāļāļ§āļēāļĢāđ (āđāļāļĒāđāļĨāļāļāđ) āļāļģāļāļąāļAndovar (Thailand) Limited is looking for talented Audio Producers and Sound Engineers to work at our studios on Prakhanong.
We Offer:
- Flexible working hours Mon. â Fri. (8-hour work day)
- Healthy base salary
- Comprehensive on-the-job training and support
- Additional quarterly bonus based on profit share
- An English-speaking workplace with a casual but professional work environment
- Opportunity for real career growth and training in dubbing and voice-over production for films, television, video games, marketing and corporate training projects
Job Responsibilities
- Coordinate with Audio Project Managers and other PMs on audio related projects
- Conducting recording sessions, directing voice talents to achieve the best performance
- Audio editing â cleaning up of recorded vocal audio tracks
- Mixing, synching and producing mastered audio for broadcast or other final formats
- Auditioning new voice talents for our database, processing these audio files and voice sample database maintenance and admin
- 2-4 years work experience
- Good spoken and written English
- University graduate (B.A. or equivalent) or better
- Proficiency in sound engineering and audio recording basics (microphone setup, DAW, signal flow, acoustics etc.)
- Knowledge of IT systems, Audio DAW software and hardware, Nuendo, Pro Tools, Sound Forge, Adobe Creative Suite, etc.
- Positive, âcan doâ attitude and a strong drive for success
- Occasional evening shift work may be required
Interested parties, please contact us via [email protected] below with CV, cover letter and salary expectations.
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