Job Responsibilities
- Arranging and conducting proper training on safety issues for staff at solar farm or wind farm sites.
- Working with all managers to ensure proper safety equipment and protection systems which are available and able to use.
- Monitoring the investigation of accidents and reviewing accidents and statistics pertaining to such with the management so that corrective action may be applied and assessed for health safety and the environment.
- Reviewing with all managers on safety & security policies/ procedures to ensure that they are effective and workable.
- Compiling and returning accident statistics to the SH&E manager and plant manager.
- Auditing, analyzing, and collating environmental performance data and using information to drive continuous improvement.
- Ensuring that there is suitable emergency procedures and equipment in place for dealing with emergencies such as fires and spillages.
Job Qualifications
- Bachelorâs degree or higher in Safety, Health and Environment or related fields.
- Minimum 3 yearsâ experience in environmental management and safety management system or related fields (New graduate who is a high â potential and seeking for job challenging is also welcome).
- Knowledge of environmental impact assessment (EIA), SHE management system and SHE Law.
- Experience in construction work of power plant / solar farm / wind farm would be an advantage.
- Ability to control safety in the construction sites.
- Strong leadership skills and excellent communications.
- Ability to travel/ work upcountry and abroad at Pakkbeng Province
- Good command in English (Minimum 500 TOEIC score).
- Goal-Oriented, Unity, Learning, Flexible
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